
Friska mahadewi
Friska mahadewi

A Tale of Sexual and Spiritual Transformation / Jack Allanach (Sw Krishna Prem). Unpublished English Edition: The Enemy in Your Head And Other Realities. Translated from English by Margarethe Tesch. Das Gedankenkino abstellen – Freiheit erfahren / Jack Allanach (Sw Krishna Prem). (Allanach 2005) Der Feind in deinem Kopf. (Adima 2003) Unschuldiges Leben: vom Ende einer Suche / Adima. Excerpts earlier published in Savita 2014. Illustrated with b&w photos and drawn cartoons by Yatri. Tales of Divine Adventure / Abhiyana Robert Abrahamson. (Abhiyana 2017) The Long Reach of the Dharma. Oregon Historical Quarterly (116), 2015, 4 Winter, pp. Oregon’s largest utopian community as western history / Carl Abbot. Pacific Historical Review, 1990, 59:1, pp. (Abbott 1990) Utopia and bureaucracy: the fall of Rajneeshpuram, Oregon / Carl Abbot. ‘Books on Osho’ at is presenting cover photos, ISBN and further bibliographic data. See also research papers and papers from conferences, symposiums and the like, in: Part Five / 5.9 Books on Osho / Research Papers. Titles will have an indicator in round brackets based on the period of Osho’s work they are covering: Gadarwara (G), Jabalpur (J), Bombay (B), Poona One (P1), Oregon (O), World Tour and Bombay (WT) and Poona Two (P2).Īdditional digital resources may be found in Vol III / Sources.Īrticles in newspapers and magazines, see Vol III / Sources. He is listing position in cult studies into either internalist or externalist writers, with an either friendly or hostile perspective as further explained in Introduction, Vol I. A) according to Wallis’ classification scheme. Secondary literature on Osho will be added categories A, B, C, or D (e.g. Titles from References in Vol I are included, except context literature 1931-1974.


Some titles not registered first-hand are without their full bibliographic data. Further included are unpublished theses, booklets, entries in encyclopedias, some titles by sannyasins on therapy etc and a few authors discussed by Osho in discourses. Included are biographies, monographies, part of books, fiction and papers in journals.

Friska mahadewi